換個品牌.認養小孩~選用無毒產品,保護自已和家人~你也會是個慈善家~ 想品嚐好吃的冠強素油飯嗎?還是冠強油飯的御飯團呢?我在愛合購開團,歡迎來合購~~莉莉家的冠強油飯。想吃的人請跟我聯絡即可! http://www.ihergo.com/store/prayandyes 冠強油飯



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穗樺妮Trivani 創立緣由

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與美裔日籍上線 深山馬沙 (Mass Victor Miyama) 合照

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Trivani Foundation

The Trivani Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to bring humanitarian aid to the deprived areas of the world and numerous communities that need our help. Thousands of people in countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and the Philippines are dying from serious diseases, living in the midst of violent wars, or limited by extreme poverty. These people have a great desire to improve their lives—they simply lack the opportunity to do so.

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Purpose Marketing

Trivani™ is using the power and profit of network marketing to provide ongoing humanitarian aid around the world. The charitable projects undertaken by our Foundation are funded by a business based on quality products and a lucrative compensation opportunity. Our highly successful Child Sponsorship program is made possible by the amazing Trivani distributors who are turning business into benevolence.

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Do No Harm Philosophy

Many consumers are unaware of the potentially carcinogenic or toxic chemicals found in the products they use on a daily basis. Take toothpaste, for instance. If you use a major brand of toothpaste, you may have noticed that the label includes not only the phone number for Poison Control but also cautions against toothpaste use for children under age 6. This warning is even on children’s toothpaste, even though it is covered with cartoon characters that are obviously targeted at children younger than 6!

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